Monday, October 29, 2007

Bids Fly In For Piece Of Tottenham History

Throughout the course of history, articles of key interest have often been mysteriously vanished away often to never resurface. The loss of exquisite articles that in their own way not only bore witness but helped fashion the course of history is always a cause of huge sadness.

By the grace of one Lord Suggs, one such key piece of modern sporting paraphernalia has been safeguarded and with provenance (well, there he says it's legit and he is aristocracy) is now being bid for at one of Europe's finest Auction Houses.

**Just to add a better investment may prove to be Setanta as it's now only a fiver if you sign up before Friday and this includes the full package of footy games, not just the fight**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonder if it included the Noughts and Crosses games him and BMJ used to play.
He used to ask the subs what his next move should be.