Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tottenham Targets: Petrov Please

Faster than an ten year old pursuing an ice cream van and with a shot as hellish as a an hellishly-hit incoming cricket ball.... Martin Petrov.

I don't know about his camaraderie with fellow Bulgarian international Berbatov. They may be best buddies they may not, but one would hope that if this transfer was do-able they could work together domestically.

I've attached what was the best video montage I could find. It's from his Wolfsburg days, it's not unlike an organic loaf, grainy but surprisingly tasty, if small... ahem...

His strengths clearly lie in his blistering pace, physicality and purleeeaze form an orderly queue as you wait for it.... he's left footed folks!

After another season at The Lane where we were we frequently width-less, the same names still do the rounds for that 'left wing problem'.

Let me tell you how it is. I don't know about the genuine availability of Petrov, but faced with another back page columnist telling me the frail and patchy Stuart Downing is now worth £10 million, I'm happy to picture Martin Petrov in a Lillywhite shirt.

The Pederson to Tottenham saga is a product of a Premiership transfer market that's in truth largely stagnant. It's a tale they can 'get away with', rather than one that's... what the word? Oh yeah, legitimate. Pederson would be useful, but he's not a potential footballing legend and I have yet to read anything credible to indicate he's leaving Mark Hughes's clutches.

How much is he? I don't know, but better value than Downing & Pederson combined.


Anonymous said...

F*** off Harry, bet you've never seen him play before ! He's 28 and only played 10 games last year. Sounds like another Anderton. We want youth like Lennon !!

Bring in Bale please.

V-SPOT said...

Sorry "anonymous" but 28 or not, injury-plagued or not, that man can gallop. And bale is more a left-back than a midfielder anyway despite his very cultured left foot. I do hope the boy joins his fellow leftie Welshman at Old Trafford, but I guess I don't mind if he joins you Spurs. I enjoy your style of play.

Anonymous said...

I heard we are after Lee Cook of QPR ...

Anonymous said...

nice video... and he is much better than downing and mgp... so now go get him comolli(hobe it's spelled right?)... anyway if we don't get him have a look at thomas kahlenberg, plays at auxerre and in the danish national team... And as a dane i can only say: He is a quality player....

Anonymous said...

We could probably (maybe) come up with a clip show to suggest Titus Bramble is the answer to our defensive problems. And as anon said - he rarely plays - is hardly young - and its unlikely many of us have seen him play.

So you'll forgive me for not succumbing to this tendency to substitute ignorance with blind optimism.

After all – this article seems to say “we know downing isn’t perfect – but we don’t know this guy isn’t yet so lets buy him”

I'd take almost any left winger for spurs - but preferably not one who has just missed a season through injury.

Unknown said...

So you wouldnt have taken Van the Horse after his busted leg then?

Fool! you cant ignore a player cause of a year of injury

Anonymous said...

With that kind of attitude of ''I'll almost take any left winger for Spurs'' remember Andy Reid? That what happened when we signed any old left winger.

Fact of the matter is these players are rare. Does he have to have a left foot ? Well yes but I'll take someone who can play on either wing like Lennon. As long as he is fast and skillfull I don't care who we sign.

Anonymous said...

Answer to Paul -Van the Horse was 23 when he moved to Man Yoo so he had time on his side. Remember the last time we signed a 28 year old for quite a few million ? He name is Ricardo Rocha. Enough said. Old and not good enough.

Anonymous said...

Petrov doesn;t have a history of injuries - last year was one of thoser things that could happen to anyone.

28 isn't a dad thing either. We've been crying out for experience and this guy will walk straight in to the first 11. Commolli - get that man!!!

Anonymous said...

Lets have another look at Hartem Ben Arfa - could develop into a real world class left mid. Just imagine him and Lennon pinging up and down the flanks at the lane.

Anonymous said...

I would happily have Petrov at Spurs even if he was injured. How many other Bulgarians are in England that Berba can go for a beer with? The clubs wanting Berba all speak French, Spanish or (even worse) Manc!

Anonymous said...

would rather have pedersen

Anonymous said...

If we want a world class,strong left-hand side, then break the bank for Taiwo and Ribery at Marseille.
Only dreaming, l'OM grabbed runners-up spot (behind Olympique Lyon) with a stunning win at St.Etienne on Sunday, so with Champs League at the Veledrome next season, there is no way.... or is there?
FYI long term injuries/broken legs -Cisse on loan from Liverpool after a season out following two broken legs has been fantastic for l'OM this season, and by his fith game back wasn't Ledley looking the biz again? So, in spite of a long injury lay off, Petrov could be a possibility.

Harry Hotspur said...

6.55 You're a tart.

1)I never said I'd seen him play.

1a) I have.

2) It was me who told YOU Bale was coming

3)Well done for asterisking your profanity. You tart.

Anonymous said...

1999/00 Servette 23 (8) 9

2000/01 Servette 30 (2) 11 5 0 75 22
2001/02 VfL Wolfsburg 29 (3) 6 5 0

2002/03 VfL Wolfsburg 18 (8) 2 6 1

2003/04 VfL Wolfsburg 24 (4) 8 6 0

2004/05 VfL Wolfsburg 29 sub(1) goals 12 yell/cards6 red card0 app 116 goals 28
2005/06 Atlético Madrid 31 (5) 1 7 1

2006/07 Atlético Madrid 8 (2) 2 2 0 app 46 goals 3
this ia hios current stats

Anonymous said...

ur not finkin about the money anonymous. We cant be spashing here and there. i fink u dnt no nufing about football. Peetrov seems a wise choice
b) fast with the ball
c) excellent dribbling abilities
d) can finish
e)team player

Hell fill the left side just fine, and will want 2 join us under the influence of Berba. Sign Bale 2

Anonymous said...

people saying pertov is too old? be real hes 28. another anderton always injured? well a serious knee injury keeping him out for most of the season i guess can be called injury prone. sry folks have to agree with HH petrov is class & can take a mean dead ball to

Anonymous said...

I think that this would be a good choice, dont forget that young Adel is also with us now to give us the youth aspect so petrov can mentor him and he will more than likely be our long term solution.

Anonymous said...

Dont think Jol will buy anymore players sub 6ft - he is frustrated with our defending of set pieces - and has made that a scouting credential for this summer. How tall is he?

Anonymous said...

Ask Harry - he's his dad/agent.

Anonymous said...

Not top of my left wing wish list.

Anonymous said...

Some Bulgarian info, folks:
1. Martin is not best pals with Berba. Indeed they're not pals at all. Last year there was a war between Berba's agent and Stoichkov as Danchev, the agent, told the press Stoichkov, who he hates particularly, had a hand on Petrov's election as the best Bulgarian footballer of the year.Berbatov is the gentleman we all know and never mentioned it, but this shows there's a rivalry, though he works as well with him as with anyone else.He'll be a good buy.
2. The other Petrov, Stilyan, is the one who is Berba's friend. Spurs should buy him also from Villa. They are both needed as Martin is left winger and Stylian is midfielder.
3. And rest your souls lads. And harry, dawson's news was crap: Berba's agent confirmed yesterday there's no new contract. Berbatov is an example for the world of football. Money is not important for him. He'll stay with Spurs one more year, at least, earning what he has been earning from day one.
Wouldn't we all like to be like him?!
See you, lads.

Anonymous said...

CyprusYid says...whether Petrov can join Spurs or not, why worry about age, when we had 33-34 year old Davids? Petrov seems like a running machine with Turbo overboost! He loves to run, and he likes to score too! He can catch the ice-cream van all day!

Anonymous said...

So Harry - when will Bale sign then ?

Anonymous said...

I dont think age is a big issue if they do the business.

Jurgen wasnt a spring chicken was he.

I am personally a little worried about the effect of a long term injury on a speed merchant.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ive seen a bit of petrov and have always been impressed by him. i also like pedersen but he seems to prefer coming inside and we have enough midfielders to do that already..
why do people feel the need to come on to a website and slate people for their opinions and thoughts on our great team? now if i wanted to hear people calling others tosser and wanker so on so forth id head off to a playground.. if ya dont like the site then dont post,theres plenty more for you guys to visit.. harry mate your a legend

Anonymous said...


awww bless.

you completely misinterpreted my comment.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Don Harry, Ive seen enough to believe he would be the man to fill that left wing spot.

To complete our challenge for a top 4 spot;
Bale (offer accepted?)
Kaboul (good, upcoming cover for Leds and Daws)

Leaves space for one more top class creative midfielder - Schneider?.

And adequate striker back up if Mido leaves;
In a perfect world - Huntelaar.
In a realistic world - Viduka.

The squad would be a magical mix of Bulgarian, Dutch and French flair with a steely English backbone - PERFECT!

Harry Hotspur said...

I am retaining a dignified silence on Bale, as might my critics have done when I ...... told you so!

However, I am currently viewing rooftops suitable for crowing from...

Some really good comments today...

Anonymous said...

2.18 You and Jurgen are both twats.

Anonymous said...

rooftops eh harry? you not thinking of crowing surely? but everyone slates you off, so you must be some kind of to***r, are you not ?! ;-)

keep on with the exclusives son.


Harry Hotspur said...

I'm tosstastic. It's official.

Cheers, DB, mate!

Anonymous said...

so much for English football: no Uefa Cup, no Champions. Watch and learn!

Anonymous said...

Harry, here's your Bale info:

6m up front, 1m for next 3 years plus 2m if we get in Champions league in next 2 years plus sell on!

A lot of money but best we could negotiate.

They have signed a pre agreement- we have a few days to tie it up!