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Some of you may be aware I was wanting to give this blog a proper web site. I found the process pretty tedious and the rewards were frankly mixed. It became evident to me you can hemorrhage money and still produce results that a 'rather dull child could have drawn while attempting a graveyard in the moonlight'. Blogger is limiting but at the same time very friendly... Mmmn.
Then along came
5000 teams catered for in more languages than Denholm Ellliot spoke in Indiana Jones &The Temple Of Doom. A truly massive football site crammed with dedicated zones and a truly blinding array of widgets.
Live Scores and Live Match Reports of Premiership, Primera, Seria A, International and MLS games. In fact, under one roof you can keep up to speed with every bloody team and competition in the known world.
There are endless forums for those of you who wish to eat each other. Podcasts and a Fantasy Football competition with real prizes like tickets to the Euros Final. $20,000's worth in total.
There's a video zone where you can upload your choice. So if Dannyboy wants to inflict every bloody piece of Hoddle footage in existence on planet earth on us and I hope he does, he can.
There's a photo gallery. Facebook and others were creaking with dozens of 'Our Day Out At Wembley.' lost in largely unviewed photo albums. Endless snaps of grinning mentalists photographing each other on the train, then random out of focus shots of the sky and some people who might have been even playing football. Now these historical artifacts can be given a real home.
Look, there is so much on offer here. My advice is get stuck in. I've so much confidence in this operation I've signed a three year deal.
This is the future.
Brian Potter wanted to create sunshine indoors for the people of Bolton. This is a global football equivalent of that man's dream.
The new address will be...